Unstructured Grid Adaptation Working Group


The Unstructured Grid Adaptation Working Group (UGAWG) is composed of researchers that develop tools to modify unstructured grids to conform to a metric (anisotropic size request). Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) turbulent flow simulation with solution-adapted grids is a target application of the working group researchers. The group meets virtually for detailed implementation details discussions and to make plans for publication.

Verification Benchmark

The repositories in the UGAWG GitHub group house test cases for the verification of adaptive grid mechanics and integrated grid adaptation processes (Flow solver, error estimate, metric construction, grid mechanics). This benchmark is available to evaluate modifications to existing methods and develop new approaches to metric conforming grid adaptation, grid generation, and integrated grid adaptation processes. The benchmark is collection of case descriptions, geometry, input grids, and output grids, which define expected performance and enables verification by comparison.

The Gamma Mesh Format is used for grid, geometry association, solution, and metric interchange. A reference implementation of readers and writers with documentation is available at LoicMarechal/libMeshb. File conventions and evaluation methods are described in adapt-benchmarks. Grid adaptation tools are applied to these benchmarks and the resulting grids are available in repositories via Git Large File Storage.
